We have heard a lot about male breast reduction or Gynecomastia. Despite the fact a lot of information is easily available online, there are many who have no idea of how to prepare for the surgery. If you are considering undergoing a knife to get rid of overly large breasts then here we bring to you a quick guide of how to prepare for it.
How to prepare for Gynecomastia surgery?
Prior to the surgery, your plastic surgeon would provide detailed preoperative instructions, answer all your queries and concerns, and perform a physical examination for determining your fitness level for surgery and find out about your medical history. If lifestyle changes are mentioned, do adhere to them. Irrespective of the type of surgery, hydration is extremely important before and after the procedure for critical outcomes and safe recovery.
Before the procedure, your plastic surgeon would probably ask you to:
- Quit smoking and intake of nicotine at least one to four weeks before the procedure as nicotinecan delay and impair the healing process. This includes any nicotine-containing product or nicotine patch.
- Make sure you avoid, rather quit, intake of aspirin-comprising medicines and medications that comprise of blood thinners (Advil, Ibuprofen Motrin etc.), herbal supplements and Vitamin E. Blood thinners, if not avoids, can lead to excessive bleeding during the procedure. Stop taking these medications one to four weeks before the surgery.
- Alcohol should be avoided at least one week before the gynecomastia.
- In most cases, male breast reduction surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. Arrange for a family member or friend who can drive you home to and from the procedure. You will need a caretaker for at least a few days after surgery.
- Avoid sunbathing for two weeks prior to the surgery. Tanning chest can increase the risk of permanent scarring.
- Let the plastic surgeon know if you develop cold, skin infection in the chest region or an illness within a week of the procedure.
- You have to take at least a week off from work; two weeks if your work is labor intensive
- Buy some loose and comfortable shorts to wear during first six weeks after the procedure. These need not be only larger in size, but also comfortable.
- If you routinely remove your chest hair, avoid doing this for at least two weeks prior and six weeks after the procedure.
- Ensure all requested lab results, as well as doctors’ clearances, are submitted.
For more details about gynecomastia surgery visit: http://www.bestgynecomastiaindia.com
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