Saturday, 19 November 2016

Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi - What to Expect from the Surgery?

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You might have come across men who have overly large sized breasts. Often they become laughing stalk, but not many know that they are suffering from a condition medically known as Gynecomastia. This condition is characterized by enlarged breasts in men. As observed in most cases, it occurs because of the presence of high levels of female hormones called estrogen and because of hormonal imbalance. Also, it can occur because of side-effects of some medications such as calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor drugs, diuretic drugs, some antibiotics and anti-ulcer medicines among several others. It can also be caused because of malnutrition or dysfunction of the testes which affect hormonal levels. No matter what the cause is, if you are living with this condition then gynecomastia surgery in Delhi can help you in the best possible way.

Although there are several treatment options available but the most effective and result driven is male breast surgery. It is a simple procedure which is meant for men who wish to decrease the size of their breasts. Even though it is the most commonly performed treatments for correcting enlarge breast size among men, it is often not recommended for all patients. Those who are considering this should stick to healthy diet and regular exercise regime before opting for the surgery to get effective results.

Men who want to enjoy the benefits of gynecomastia treatment in India should consult their family doctor followed by the advice of an experienced, skilled and qualified cosmetic surgeon who is trained to perform male breast surgery. The cosmetic surgeon would recommend series of tests that might include blood sampling, evaluation of patient’s medical history and physical assessment. A thorough medical check-up is performed before the surgery. These tests and evaluation are an important part of surgery because they help in identifying if any side effects or medications related to the surgery can trigger any kind of complications.

If you are soon to go through male breast reduction surgery, it is strongly recommended that you avoid intake of vitamin E, aspirin and ibuprofen. In addition, your cosmetic surgeon would ask you to quit smoking weeks before the surgery. All this is done in order to make sure that surgery is performed safely without ant kind of complications.  It is obvious for most patients to be worried about the costs associated with the surgical procedure. Once all tests are performed and type of surgery decided, the cosmetic surgeon would share with you the best gynecomastia surgery cost in Delhi.

For removing excessive deposits of breast tissues, the surgeon performs liposuction. Also, surgeon can perform a procedure which is similar to mastectomy before performing liposuction.  The entire duration of gynecomastia surgery in Delhi might last for two to three hours. Most patients can go home within the same day of the surgery. It is only in some cases that a patient has to stay at the hospital.  Make sure that you adhere to the advice of the surgeon after surgery for quick and proper recovery. Avoid strenuous activities for at least three to four weeks. Most men feel pain after surgery for which pain relief medications are prescribed by the surgeon.

Best Gynecomastia India. Call us today for an appointment: | 09958221983

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