Saturday, 24 June 2017

Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction Surgeon in South Delhi Clinic

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Male Breast Reduction Surgery or Gynecomastia Surgery in South Delhi ( is very rewarding and it not only improve the chest appearance significantly but also helps in regaining self-confidence. Removing the excess breast tissue and sculpting the chest wall is a combination of science and art. If a person is planning for this cosmetic surgery in Delhi, he should have realistic expectation with this procedure. Most patients who undergo this procedure, however, are completely satisfied with their results. Those who have unrealistic expectation are always dissatisfied.

Male Breast reduction Surgery is performed by our qualified cosmetic and plastic Surgeon in Delhi, Dr Ajaya Kashyap Senior Consultant of Fortis hospital. Our best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi have vast experience in sculpting male breasts for many years. We not only treat the male breast, but also sculpt the chest wall so that it appears muscular and carved after surgery.

Scar: Usually a small incision is made around the lower half of the nipple areola complex, this eventually heals well and fades over several months. It is not noticeable after few months of surgery. If there is loose and excess skin then scar can be bigger and it improves with time.


Depending upon the severity of the gynecomastia it is performed either under local anesthesia (making only chest wall, numb) or under general anesthesia (complete sedation). At the Delhi Cosmetic Clinic we perform Gynecomastia Surgery by making the chest area numb but it is possible in only less severe cases. In gynecomastia of Grade 3 or Grade 4 general anesthesia is preferable.

Complication or side Effects

Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there are certain minor risks associated with gynecomastia surgery like Swelling, Bluish discoloration of skin asymmetry, infection, bleeding, reaction to anesthesia, and blood collection. All these are temporary and improve with time in a couple of days. The temporary loss of breast sensation or numbness may occur up to a year.

Gynecomastia Surgery Aftercare 

Dressing: After male breast reduction, although we remove all the dressings after four days. Stitches (if present) are removed after one week, but we suggest that internal healing continues for almost three to six months depending on the severity of gynecomastia.

Activity: After surgery, you are not supposed to take bed rest. A person can perform his routine activity after a few days. Weight lifting, Jogging and heavy exercise should be avoided for at least two months. You are advised to take bath after 4 days.

Compression Garment We also advise special compression garment after Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi or Male Breast reduction Surgery in Delhi, to improve the healing and get maximum result. You are advised to wear these garments for 6-8 weeks. It helps in shaping of your chest and minimize pain and swelling.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi or Male Breast reduction Surgery is the best solution for Gynecomastia treatment in the South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic. It is done by the expert Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Ajaya Kashyap at best gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi. Book an appointment now! Contact us 9958221983.

For More information visit:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, MD, FACS
Address: 13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi - 110057, (INDIA)
Mobile: + (91)-9818369662, 9958221983, 9958221982
Landline: + (011) - 41802486, 41802485
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Thursday, 22 June 2017

Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction Surgeon in Delhi: Dr. Ajaya Kashyap

Gynecomastia commonly known as “male breasts” is a common condition for which large numbers
of male breast reduction surgeries are performed every year. It has been estimated that the condition of male breasts affects an estimated 40 per cent to 60 per cent of the total male population. Gynecomastia surgery is basically enlargement of the glandular tissue of the male breast which is attributed to variety of factors.

About Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Gynecomastia male breast reduction surgery is a combination of liposuction and gland excision. Liposuction removes the fatty tissue in the area and gland excision, or mastectomy, removes glandular tissues, giving you a complete solution.

The surgery only requires a day’s stay at the hospital. Physical exertion must be completely avoided for 8 weeks, and a pressure garment needs to be worn to help contour the operated area during this recovery period.

With its high rate of success, this procedure is gaining popularity across the country. Many clinical institutions offer economical male breast reduction surgery cost and ensure effective treatment. If you’re looking for Gynecomastia surgery (, Delhi has cosmetics clinics that you can visit for a consultation, followed by surgery.

If you suffer from gynecomastia disorder and wish to regain confidence, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Delhi may be the answer to your problems. You can consult with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, a renowned surgeon with 26 years of experience in the field.

Gynecomastia FAQ:

Anaesthesia:      General or Local with Sedation.
Length of Surgery:           2-3 Hours
Length of Hospital Stay:    Outpatient or occasionally overnight stay.
Swelling:              Several Weeks
Bruising:               2-3 Weeks
Dressings:           Compression Garments for Several Weeks.
Stitches:               Usually Absorbable
Back to Work:    Desk Job 2-3 Days. Strenuous Job 2-4 Weeks
Exercise:              2-3 Weeks. Contact Sports 4-6 Weeks.
Final Result:        Several Months Permanent

After Gynecomastia Surgery:  After the gynecomastia surgery, the patient should immediately witness improved shape and appearance of the chest. The pain is usually minimal and the patient may feel sore for a few days. The results of the male breast surgery are usually permanent in nature as the excess fat, glandular tissues and the excess skin are permanently removed from the chest area. The patient is required to maintain a healthy lifestyle following the surgery as significant weight gain could hinder the effect of the surgical procedure.

For More information visit:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, MD, FACS
Address: 13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi - 110057, (INDIA)
Mobile: + (91)-9818369662, 9958221983, 9958221982
Landline: + (011) - 41802486, 41802485


Thursday, 8 June 2017

Gynecomastia Surgery - What Causes Enlarged Male Breasts?

#gynecomastia, #gynecomastiacost, #malebreastreduction, #gynecomastiaclinic, #puffynipplesurgery, #malechestsurgery,  #specialistgynecomastiasurgeon, #southdelhi

The term gynecomastia is often used for describing male boobs or male breast. Until a few years back, men hesitated to talk about the condition. However, the scenario has changed today and an increasing number of men prefer undergoing gynecomastia surgery to get rid of enlarged male breasts.

Although it is one of the most common conditions in men, it can mar their confidence. If you want to overcome this condition then all you need to do is look for a cosmetic surgeon who has experience and expertise in performing this surgery. Also, you will get to know the gynecomastia surgery cost after consulting a specialist surgeon who would help you make the right decision regarding the procedure.

Causes of Enlarged Male Breast

As such there is no known cause for gynecomastia. In most cases, the reason is not known. It can occur in men in their twenties as well those in their fifties. During puberty years, there is hormonal increase in body that not only brings change in the shape of the body but also bring some great changes in the breast tissue. In nearly thirty to forty percent cases, these changes are responsible for causing enlargement.

As observed in some cases, it can occur because of reduced functioning of male hormone producing glands chronic liver disease, some hormone producing tumor of adrenal gland and testes and intake of drugs. Causes of this condition can vary from one man to the other. In men who are suffering from obesity, fatty deposits of tissue affect the male hormone level present in the body leading to breast enlargement.

 If you want to get rid of this condition and live a normal life then all you need to do is schedule an appointment with male breast surgery clinic and learn about the procedure in detail.

For more details Gynecomastia Surgery visit:
For more details visit our Facebook Page:
Dr. Kashyap perform gynecomastia Surgery see YouTube video:

Best Gynecomastia India Clinic
13A, Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
New Delhi-110057 (INDIA)
Mobile: +91-9958221983
Tag: gynecomastia , gynecomastia Surgery cost, male breast surgery clinic, best gynecomastia clinic in south delhi, best male breast surgeon, gynecomastia surgery, best gynecomastia Surgeon, male breast surgery cost, best gynecomastia surgeon in delhi, gynecomastia surgery cost india, best gynecomastia delhi